Shintaro Sakamoto- "Matomoga wakaranai" [Buy]
How have everyone been doing!!!!????
wow, I haven't written so long. I hope everyone is well. My internet friends. I had a lot of things happened to me since last time I wrote. To be honest, I don't even remember last time I was here just like you don't remember myspace password or even email you used for. Time sometimes freezes online.
I met a girl 8 years ago. She offered me salted fish at friends' birthday picnic. No one ever did that to me.
We shared netlifx account.
Got a 1998 Subaru Outback together. Drove around til it died.
We had a cat named, Moses. We had to put him down sadly.
I met her family. We went to Japan and she met my family.
We got cheap washer and dryer finally in our apartment.
Our last dryer was making our clothes dirtier.
I made her dinners
She made me dinners
I did dishes
she did dishes
I forgot dishes
She forgot dishes.
Got dresser through Craigslist, from someone whose mother passed away recently. Went to pick it up at empty room in old folks home. As we said goodbye to the lady, she told us about her mother and she cried, we cried and hugged her.
we got a cat, Bowie. She like her but doesn't like me much. Only wants to be fed. Its ok.
Our 2004 Subaru died 3 months after we got on highway on Christmas eve. Her dad came to pick us up at Tim Hortons at 2am.
Went to Japan and proposed her at this fall in my hometown She was wearing Adidas track pants because it was a little hike but I asked her "are you wearing that?" She said, "yep. why?" I couldn't say anything to blow up my cover.
my aunt passed away a month before our wedding.
we got married last summer.
My friend got a puppy.
Got swamped with work. My boogers were sawdust from my shop for 2 weeks straight.
My friend's puppy is a dog now.
So many things happened and happens, will happen.
Yesterday, I turned 38.
OH! Last week went to IKEA and their water pipe was broken so couldn't eat frozen yogurt!!!!!!
anyways, ill try to write more.
take care everyone.