Electrelane - "To The East". I need a mission, somebody give me a mission. An envelope with a folded, typed instruction. A clear cloud. A banner, a crackling radio instruction. Just a sign. Just give me a sign. Let it be plain or filigreed, simple or adorned. Let it be easy or difficult, let it be impossible. I will make love or wage war, I will run or howl, I will shove coke, spade by spade, into the belly of a train. All I ask is that you inscribe my future, so that I need not invent it myself. Give me something to live up to: a destiny, a fate. You will see me at my fullest, in body and indigo. I will stride into the tide. I will sing the rest of the song. I will find the puny needle or fire the long harpoon. I will go home, if that's what I am to do, or believe me darling I will hold out hope. [buy]
Thanks for this. I didn't know these ladies existed. Every time I come here I find treasure!
Posted by John at April 23, 2013 2:29 AMit's like you're writing my thoughts.
Posted by m.a.h. at April 23, 2013 5:55 AMthanks for bringing this one back.
Posted by john at April 23, 2013 11:12 AMman! what a write up and what a tune! so great.
Posted by ian at April 24, 2013 5:51 PM