Spooky Black - "Idle".
Spooky Black - "Pull".
That thing where someone tells you all glass is still a liquid. It's not solid, it's liquid. It's slooooowly melting. You look at your window in a new way. Not a pane to look through, but a sheet of clear water. You consider the intersecting sunlight. You touch the glass with your fingers. Another thing, a different thing, when it is raining: the drops spatter your window and they are wet on wet, two likes coming together. You had never thought of this before. You had thought the outside was outside and the inside was inside and the window was your division. The division is not solid. It is slowly evaporating, liquid to gas. It is slowly piling at the bottom of your windowgrame, clear gorgeous sludge. You look into the world, sad-hearted, and wonder which other divisions could slowly spill away. What else out there is just like rain. [more from Minnesota's Spooky Black]
I have some upcoming readings in Toronto and Guelph, Ontario. Details at the Us Conductors website. Would love to see you there.
(photo by Paul Calver)
Posted by Sean at August 18, 2014 10:47 AMOnce again glassy eyed, I'm witnessing symbiosis of word and sound. Their beauty is staggering and reckoning.
Posted by Michael Chung at August 18, 2014 3:45 PMSean, just finished your novel. It's lovely. Congrats. Best of luck with it. I will be recommending it to everyone with taste that I know.
Posted by jer at August 20, 2014 9:57 AMLovely description...
Posted by Greg Talmage at August 27, 2014 4:34 PMGlass *isn't* a liquid, actually. That was based on a misunderstanding.
Posted by Danny in Canada at January 11, 2015 8:36 PM